Behind the scenes with Liz Fogarty and Gavin at Alyssa and Mike’s wedding. A beautiful wedding and the weather cooperated perfectly! Another great reception at the Chesapeake Bay Beach Club.
Allison and Tyler’s beautiful wedding yesterday! The weather was perfect for the service and photo session. The Chesapeake Bay Beach Club , as always, was the perfect reception venue and photo location.
Such a moment at Brittland Manor with the ceremony just feet away from the Chester River. It is an incredible setting, and “Elizabeth” was right at home serving the bride and her father at the entrance, then whisking away bride and groom after the ceremony. Fairytale moments.
There are many great pleasures we get from serving couples. We love sharing our vintage automobiles and rearing beautiful lasting memories. But the greatest pleasure is getting to meet and know (a little bit) amazing couples like Emily and Will. Congratulations to them on their first full day as a married couple. They will do extraordinary things in life.
Serving Shelly and Hunter was fantastic! Absolutely perfect weather to start a lifetime together.
Many thanks to the Annapolis Police Depatment officer who allowed us to pause at the State House on a very crowded day for Shelly and Hunter to get photographs after the wedding.
A fantastic afternoon wedding, crazy early evening storms and a fantastic late night lightning show made MaryShea and Nick’s wedding even more beautiful and memorable!
The drive to Annapolis after Molly and Chris’s reception last night was beautiful and crisp. And they are totally in love, as you can see.